培养学生对学习和社会责任的终身承诺 is at the heart of the St. Luke’s experience. The School’s motto, Enter to Learn. Go Forth to Serve. inspires students to strive not only for academic excellence but also for responsible citizenship and service to humanity.

Kate Parker-Burgard,社区联系主任

We believe that character is developed when actions are done in service to the greater good. By using one’s strengths, service locations become laboratories for developing leadership as students gain confidence and develop their identities as people who can help."

Service at St. Luke's

St. Luke的学生在他们的中学经历中被介绍到服务中. 服务性学习以多种方式发生:有些可能发生在课堂上, as teachers connect their lessons to the work of inspiring nonprofits; some may transpire after school as we offer regular optional activities focused on helping nonprofits; and some may ensue when students pursue their interest in a cause by creating a club, raising awareness, 或者设立筹款活动来支持自己喜欢的组织. All of these activities, from formal to informal, 帮助我们所有的学生建立一个服务的心态.
随着学生的成长,我们的社区服务项目也随之成长. In Upper School, we continue to offer a variety of grade- and school-wide service activities. 我们要求学生通过问自己来为自己的服务负责, “What matters to me? 我有什么优势或技能可以提供? How can I contribute to my community?而所需的时间创造了“问责制”,“我们的大多数学生最终都对自己的工作投入了大量精力. 通过他们的倡议和我们的支持, 培养学生的责任感, agency, and leadership.

List of 3 items.

  • 20

    20 hours of service
    per Upper School year required
  • 1

    One reflection due no later than
    spring break of senior year
  • 13,000+

    More than 13,000 student
    hours given since 2020.

Spotlight on Service

St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), private school in New Canaan, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的35个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.